Carnivore Diet – Don’t Do it!

People following the carnivore diet have reported weight loss, improved blood sugars, remission of chronic disease, and improved sleep (1). These results sound shocking coming from a diet that only includes Animal products. Screams In Vegan

A day of eating this way includes consuming beef, chicken, eggs, and organ meats with very little if any intake of fruits and vegetables. Honestly, it just sounds like a man made this diet.  

Here are three reasons why you should stand clear of this overly “mansplained” rabbit food-fearing diet. 

Not Enough Fiber 

Fiber sources in the diet come from vegetables and fruits. Meat products contain no fiber. 

The lack of fiber in one’s diet can lead to decreased gut health, inconsistent bowel movements, and poor blood sugar control (2). 

There are no examples of a group of people forced to eat a carnivore diet due to living in the extreme conditions of the Arctic (3). 

Eskimos would have to live on a diet of raw meat, from animals like seals and polar bread (which we know the polar bears are going extinct) and minimal plant-based foods that grow in the “summer” months. Unreal. 

Does not contain all your vitamins and Minerals 

If you remove entire food groups from a diet, it is very clear you’re not going to get all the nutrients you need. Following this diet is putting yourself at risk for developing vitamin deficiencies and you would have to supplement. To better prove my point think about the opposite of the carnivore diet; a diet void of all animal-sourced food (vegan) and being forced to supplement vitamins like B12 and iodine, dreadful (4). 

Bad for the environment 

If you care about this Earth; a planet that evolutionists say has been around for billions of years, you will do your part and eat less meat, because your consumption of meat is the one factor that will destroy this planet…. As well as your breath. 

 Just eating plants has always been a good environment. There are no (Native Americans) of people killing animals, being grateful for the animals’ sacrifice, and using every part of the animal. So just stop eating animals.


Hopefully, you picked up on the satire in this article. Extreme diets like this can be a fun experiment to try for a short time. Also, people who follow the diet long term, more than 6 months, typically create some exciting new recipes! So is the diet good or bad, I believe that can only be determined at an individualistic level.

So I hope you are convinced. There is only one way to eat healthily and that is a plant-based diet, basically vegan. 




